Lead Member for Economy


DECISIONS made by the Lead Member for Economy, Councillor Rupert Simmons, on 20 July 2022 at Remote Meeting via Microsoft Teams



Councillor Johnny Denis spoke on items 4 and 7 (see minutes 5 and 7)



1.            Decisions made by the Lead Cabinet Member on 23 February 2022


1.1       The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2022.




2.            Disclosure of Interests


2.1       There were none.




3.            Urgent items


3.1       There were none.




4.            Reports


4.1       Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.




5.            Agreement for East Sussex County Council to oversee the Department for Education funded Multiply Programme and delegation of responsibilities


5.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




5.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Approve the proposed County Council Investment Plan bid (Appendix 1 of the report) for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Multiply programme which was submitted by the deadline of 30 June 2022; and


(2) Delegate responsibility to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport for overseeing the Multiply programme in line with the Investment Plan (Appendix 1 of the report) and financial spend proposal (Appendix 1 of an exempt report detailed in a later agenda item) as necessary to ensure the County Council’s roles and responsibilities as local lead Authority for the UKSPF Multiply programme are met.




5.3       The County Council has undertaken work to develop its Multiply Investment Plan to outline how it will deliver interventions to improve the numeracy of the county’s adult residents.


5.4       Approval and endorsement of the submission of the Multiply Investment Plan which includes the proposed management framework for the project (paragraph 2.7 of the report) and delegation of responsibility for programme oversight to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport will ensure the County Council’s roles and responsibilities as local Lead Authority for UKSPF Multiply are met.




6.            Exclusion of the Public and Press


6.1       It was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press for the remaining agenda items on the grounds that if the public and press were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as specified in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).




7.            Agreement for East Sussex County Council to oversee the Department for Education funded Multiply Programme and delegation of responsibilities - Exempt Information


7.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport which contained exempt information in support of an earlier agenda item.


7.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to note the exempt information provided in support of an earlier agenda item.</AI7>